
Contemplative Retreat for Men: Finding Our Way to the Palace of Nowhere

Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery at our annual fall retreat, "Finding our Way to the Palace of Nowhere." Guided by experienced retreat leaders and long-time soul friends, Joel Blunk and Glenn Mitchell and inspired by Chaung Tzu's wisdom, delve into contemplative living amidst nature, community, and solitude. Engage in teachings, practices, and immersive activities to reconnect with your inner self. Reflect on the teachings of spiritual figures like Thomas Merton and Howard Thurman during meditative wanders. Share stories and laughter around the campfire, forging bonds of brotherhood. Leave revitalized, equipped with insights to navigate life's journey with clarity. 

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Scripture/Sermon Discussion Group

Join us for a deeper dive into the Sunday sermon and scriptures on Sundays at 9:30 am (online or in the conference room). A spirited and prayerful discussion is pretty much guaranteed! Feel free to drop in anytime. 

Sign up

Tuesdays With Marc - AM

Coming soon!

Tuesdays With Marc - PM 

Coming soon!

English as a Second Language

Coming this fall! 

Need help navigating the English language? Come to our ESL class, which focuses on language, literature, and culture. The leader of the class is Kathy Koop, who has a graduate degree in teaching English. The 90-minute class is open to the public, and there is no charge. 

Learn more

ESL Bible Study

Coming this fall!

Once a week, adults who are learning English get together to study the Bible. The 90-minute class is open to the public, and there is no charge. It is led by Kathy Koop, who has a graduate degree in teaching English.

Learn More 

Summer Bible Study 

This summer, West Side is continuing Bible Study with the Gospel of Mark! Join Kathy Koop in the West Side Room for a Summer Bible Study. Bring a sandwich if you'd like! From July 3 - August 28 on Wednesdays at 1:00 pm. There is no need to sign up; you can just show up! 

Questions? Email 

For information about our Contemplative Groups, please click here