Longtime member Nancy Thompson passed away on February 6 at the age of 90. Nancy enjoyed volunteering at West Side in ways that she could and was so grateful for the countless friendships extended to her by the West Side community over the years. Please keep her son and daughter-in-law, Steven and Laura, and the rest of her family in your prayers. Click here to read Nancy's obituary.
Hervey and I were members of I&M for at least 10 years. Ralph Wagner started Monday Night Callers when Hervey was chair. We met every Monday Night, got our assignment of people we would visit and went out in twos. Hervey and I served with this group because it was something we could do together, we even hired a babysitter. They were always cold calls, and always welcomed. Nancy was the person who screened our assignments. She got her list from lists of new residents that she got, I think from Welcome Wagon. She called all of them to see if there were people who would possibly be interested in West Side. Her work was invaluable to us, and she could do it from home. We had quite a few success stories.
I was a Mother’s Helper to Nancy and babysitter for Steve in the early 1970s. She was one of the kindest people I’ve ever known. Gracious and graceful and simply luminous. Her positive attitude, joy at the beauty of life and lessons about service to others had a major impact on a shy, self-conscious and awkward teen girl. I will always be grateful that our paths in life crossed.
Sending much love to Steve and his family.
Barbara Hand