Steve Fuld, friend of West Side, husband of Elder Lynn Morneweck-Fuld and father of Morgan, passed away on May 8 at the age of 62. Steve was a gentle, patient and loving man who was devoted to his family, music and his faith. Please keep Lynn and Morgan, and everyone who loved Steve, in your prayers. Click here to read Steve's obituary.
I am so sorry to hear this news. Our prayers go out to Lynn and the family. I remember him as a dedicated member of the ministry. - Carla Auld
Lynn and Morgan, our hearts go out to you in the loss of your husband/Dad. It has been a pleasure singing with him over the years. So sorry. May God grant you comfort and peace knowing that you will one day reunite in heaven's choir. - Brian
Devastated to hear this news. Our love to you in this extremely painful time. We are here and will help out in any way. So sorry. - Chris
We are deeply saddened to hear about this! Dear Lynn and Morgan, please know that you are in our prayers! May God's peace comfort you and keep you! So sorry for your loss! We will always remember Steve's kindness.
Dear Lynn and Morgan,
Our hearts grabbed us by the throats at this news. What a supportive, gentle family man Steve was. He left the legacy of a strong wife (because he supported her strength) and a gifted son. We wish we could be with you right now. We will be as soon as we can be. Lynn, after sharing so many tragedies with you in such faithful ways, it stuns me that you are now having your own, and that I can’t be with you right now. Sending love and prayers of hope and peace.
This is so heartbreaking. We stand with you, Lynn and Morgan. We love you both and are here for you. Steve was a man I wish I knew better. But I treasure the time we were able to speak and hang out - such a deeply thoughtful, kind and sincere human being.
Thinking of you every day and wrapping you in love. Praying your memories of times well-spent and the music you shared will bring comfort and peace. Much Love to you both, Lynn and Morgan.
Lots of love, hugs and prayers for you guys. So sorry to hear. Praying for comfort and peace for the whole family.
Lynn and Morgan, I pray that the Holy Spirit is with both of you giving you strength, stability and peace of heart as you go through this stress filled time.