Where, Why, Who?

Series: Sunday Sermons


Scripture/Sermon Discussion

  • Respond to the scripture readings. What phrase or word or verse jumped out at you?

  • If you are familiar with these passages, did you hear them differently now? Why or why not?

  • What takeaways do you have from today's sermon?

  • How is Jesus like Moses, who led the enslaved people out of slavery into the wilderness to the edge of the Promised Land?

  • How does Jesus continue his work? How does he fulfill it?

  • What are the parallels between the Isaiah text and Jesus' baptism? 

  • How does Jesus' baptism make a claim on us as followers of Jesus? 

  •  Is it easier to believe you are "beloved" by another person than it is by God?

  • What is the difference?

  • When do you most clearly sense God’s “delight” in you?

Speaker: Marc Oehler

January 9, 2022

Isaiah 42:1-9

Marc Oehler

Pastor and Head of Staff

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