The Book of Job

Why do innocent people suffer? That question lies at the center of the Book of Job. Job loses almost everything dear to him through a series of tragedies. In the end, he never receives a fully satisfactory answer (do we ever?), but he does learn and grow through the experiences. During this four-week sermon series, we explore how we can learn to be more direct with God, risk living and loving even when it's painful, and grow in our capacity to trust God's goodness and faithfulness through tragedy.

Advent Questions

The birth of Jesus inspired a new way of living, loving, sharing and acting, intended to help all experience a better, more fulfilling life. Using our recently adopted core values - living contemplatively, loving inclusively, sharing generously and acting justly - as a guide, we'll consider how they help us live into and share the Good News of Jesus’ birth and the revelation of Christ.

12 Steps to Real Faith

Over the next six weeks we'll explore the deep connection between the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the 12-step program. Both begin with an acknowledgement of our need for help and depend on grace, prayer, self-discipline and action in order to move forward toward a more fully mature and surrendered life of loving and humble service to others.

The Book of Revelation

For generations, the Book of Revelation has sparked concern about the "end times" and inspired countless apocalyptic movies and novels. Join us as we pull back the curtain and take a look at this often misunderstood text for what it is - a message of hope to people who were suffering under the boot of the Roman Empire. A message that remains relevant today. Revelation is not about what WILL happen, but about what IS happening...and what we can do about it. 

Drinking Deeply From the Psalms

Our six-week sermon series explores how the Psalms mirror the ups and downs of a life of faith, guiding us not only during "good times," but also when the bottom drops out and we find ourselves searching for answers.

The Book of Acts

In our new nine-week sermon series we're exploring how a small group of Jesus' Jewish disciples were transformed into a world-changing movement that transcended national and ethnic boundaries. It's a mysterious, open-ended story that continues to unfold today. 

The Seven Social Sins

As part of our Lenten pilgrimage this year, we're exploring Mahatma Gandhi’s "Seven Social Sins," examining their Biblical foundations and how they fuel the violence that plagues our world today. 
