Sermons: Start at the Beginning

Pastor Marc shares the dramatic story of Joseph forgiving his brothers...

Pastor Bruce Ballantine preached about one messed up family - the...

Relationships can be hard, messy and evidenced in the...

Have you ever found yourself wrestling with God or needing to let go of...

When was the last time you felt lonely? When you felt empty, alone or...

Sometimes it feels like life is unfair. Pastor Liz offers another...

Pastor Penny explores the meaning of the Hebrew word "hesed" -...

Do you find yourself trusting things you don’t understand? Pastor Penny...

How do you handle disappointment when things don't go your way? Pastor...

"Whoever receives you receives me, and whoever receives me receives the...

Do you have trouble making decisions, doubting yourself and your...

Pastor Marc began at the beginning with the first Creation story and...