Have you ever grown weary as you await your harvest? Perhaps you have been sowing good seeds in your marriage, but your partner doesn't bother to water the seeds that you have so diligently planted. As a result, there is no harvest... only an empty, barren field that desperately awaits life.
Maybe you have been ambitiously putting good seeds in your body in the form of clean food, plenty of water and regular exercise. Nevertheless, the crops of weight loss, improved stamina and enhanced fitness are growing ever so slowly.
Quite possibly, the pandemic has left you at the end of your rope. You have slaved over your field for the last year, following every rule in the book, but there remain no fruits to be found.
In such seasons, it is very easy for the weeds of discouragement to take hold and to choke your harvest-to-be. I understand completely! I have been there many times in my physical, emotional and spiritual development. What got me through? God's promises!
Galatians 6:9 reminds us...
"And don't allow yourselves to be weary or disheartened in planting good seeds, for the season of reaping the wonderful harvest you've planted is coming."
Friends, this Scripture is evidence of God's perfect word of honor. It reminds us that our efforts are never in vain, no matter what we see happening around us. God is neither a manipulator nor a liar. He is not trying to trick us with our trying circumstances. Rather, He wants nothing more than our trusting, yielding hearts so that we may receive the faithful assurance that He is always for us and with us. He loves us that much!
In light of this good news, I wish to encourage you NOT to grow weary...
Keep doing the right thing with your spouse, even when he or she chooses otherwise!
Keep doing the next best thing on behalf of your health and fitness, even when the scale doesn't budge!
And keep your eyes on obedience, not expedience, as you walk through this pandemic season. It will end!
There truly is incomparable joy and peace found at the end of each day when we can look back and know that we made good and pleasing choices to God, even if there are no results to prove it.
By the way, you know that harvest on which you have been waiting? Listen closely. I can hear God telling you, "Well done! Keep planting with Me. And remember, My child, to judge not the quality of your day by the harvest you reap. A good day is judged by the seeds you sow. Keep sowing!"