Transformed Non-Conformists
Other sermons in the series

The Art of Fire Making
Jesus gave us all the tools that we need to become a fire-making...

Adopted for Life
There may be a few gifts under the Christmas tree that need to be...

Enlightened Magnetism
If we've learned anything from 2020 it's to focus on what's most...

Christian Polemics
After the storming of the U.S. Capitol, Pastor Marc implores us to...

What Would Jesus Have Me Do?
When we feel challenged by the Gospel, we sometimes ask “What would...

Non Attachment
When we hold on loosely - to possessions, people, opinions...

Creating God
A global pandemic. Social and racial unrest. Environmental crises...

Love Out Loud
Can others experience the love of God simply by being around you? How...

Get Up, Stand Up
On Transfiguration Sunday, Pastor Marc preached a fiery sermon inspired...

Resuscitation or Resurrection
On Easter Sunday, Pastor Marc contrasted two miracle stories - the...

Reservoirs, Swamps and Canals
Does life flow to you or through you? Pastor Marc invites you to...

One Body But Many Parts
On Family Sunday, Pastor Penny and friends demonstrated the importance...

Prepared to Die
On All Saints' Day, Pastor Marc Reflects on the reality of death...and...

Gift in the Darkness
Many of us are taught to be afraid of the dark, but the darkness offers...

Christ Our King
Who is your king? Pastor Christine explores what it means to call...

Celebrate Because God Sent A Savior
It's a cherished West Side tradition - our annual "pop-up" Christmas...

Transforming Journeys
The popular journey of the Wise Men tells us a lot about how our own...

Where, Why, Who?
Pastor Marc reflects on a story found in all four Gospels - the baptism...

How Should a Christian View Communism (and Capitalism)?
Pastor Marc shares excerpts from a sermon by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Living Water
How does compassion work for us as Christians? On Family Sunday, Pastor...

Ascent and Descent
Pastor Marc reminds us to trust God wholeheartedly, even and especially...

A Meaning of Palm Sunday
On Palm Sunday we were reminded that when we face tough situations or...

Do Not Cling
On Easter Sunday Pastor Marc reminded us that God is in the...

A Celebration of God's Creation
Pastor Marc and Pat McGlade, our faith community nurse, offered a...

The Meaning of Baptism
Pastor Penny reminds us that we don't need to say or do the right thing...

The Lord is My Shepherd (Part One)
When is the last time you "allowed" yourself to rest? Really rest? Was...

The Lord is My Shepherd (Part Two)
Pastor Marc share five truths that can be difficult to face. Life is...

Together as the Church
Pastor Penny welcomed our new members and confirmands on Sunday...

Reshaping Imagination
Pastor Penny reminds us that living as a disciple of Jesus is not a...

Led by the Spirit
On Pentecost Sunday, Pastor Marc prayed that we find our wings and...

Three is a Magic Number
Do you think of God as "The Distant Critic"? Give Pastor Liz a listen...

A Liberating Father
On Father’s Day and Juneteenth, Pastor Marc invited us to consider what...

Hard Transitions
Transitions are notoriously challenging and difficult, but it's during...

Traveling Wisely
Pastor Marc shares some good advice for the journey of being human.

Go and Do Likewise
Who is worthy of your time and attention? Who is not? Pastor Penny...

Missing the Mark
Are you burned out? Frustrated? Resentful? That can happen when we get...

Teach Us to Pray
Why doesn't God answer my prayers? Why should I even bother praying?...

The Hidden Life
Pastor Christine explores our "hidden life" - our new life in the...

The Cost of True Connection
Pastor Liz explores the "Jesus economy," which invites us to define...

Gospel Weaponry
Are Christians supposed to put out fires or start them? Are we supposed...

What is the Cost?
Hate your family, carry your own cross and give up all of your...

Commitment and Trust
On Family Sunday, Pastor Penny unpacked the Sunday School theme for...

A Patchwork of Saints
What does it take to become a saint? Do you have to live a good and...

The Strength of My Heart
During our semiannual Healing and Wholeness Service, Pastor Penny...

Do you have the courage to claim Jesus as your King? Pastor Christine...

Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh
Pastor Marc explores our relationship with fear and how we can learn...

A Tough Mind and a Tender Heart
On Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend, Pastor Marc preached one of Dr...

Calling of the Disciples
Did you know that having a meal together had a significant meaning in...

The Morning Star
If you had one more letter to write before you die, what would you...

The Servant King
Pastor Christine unpacks the story of Jesus’ triumphal entry into...

What Does It All Mean?
On Easter Sunday, Pastor Marc took a mysterious line from the Apostle...

Fear. Thanksgiving. Response
It's time to cut "Doubting Thomas" some slack, according to Pastor...

Mission Possible
Pastor Penny invites us to reflect on those who first shared the Good...

Here is Your Mother
On Mother’s Day, Pastor Marc lifted up Jesus’ mother, Mary, who was...

A New Community
On New Member Sunday, Pastor Penny highlighted the gift of Christian...

The Spirit of Truth
Pastor Marc reflects on what Jesus' promise that the Spirit of Truth...

Emerging From the Water
Lifting up two teenage girls who thwarted an authoritarian leader’s...

The Call to Action: A Labor Day Sermon
At our first outdoor worship service, Pastor Marc reflected on Moses’...

Pastor Marc reflects on the intimate relationship between a life of...

Saints All Around Us
Pastor Marc reflects on the mystery that we are "surrounded by so great...

God of the Broken Hearted
Pastor Liz offers some insights on practicing subversive hope when...

Thank You
Pastor Marc reflects on the importance of expressing gratitude, and the...

King of kings, Lord of lords
Pastor Marc unpacks two texts that seem to speak to two radically...

Star Words
In her New Year's Eve sermon, Pastor Penny invited us to put our trust...

Servants of the Mystery Revealed
Pastor Marc challenges us to put together the missing piece of the Gospel.

Doorkeepers of Grace
This past Sunday, celebrating the service and retirement of West Side’s...

Nature's Love Song
During outdoor worship, Pastor Marc encouraged the congregation to...

Renewed by Grace
In the aftermath of the election, Pastor Marc spoke about the...

Mercy in the Darkness
Ever wake up at 3 am with thoughts running wild? Pastor Liz shares how...

Reigning in Love and Justice Amidst Turmoil
Pastoral Intern Yami shares how humility is usually seen as a sign of...

Reflections on Go Tell It on the Mountain
Many of our most beloved Christmas Carols come to us not from famous...

Arise, Shine!
The sermon implores us to go out into the world and illuminate it with...

Claimed by Promise
Pastor Liz shares how baptism reminds us we’re fully loved by God and...

On Being Good Neighbors (A sermon by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.)
Pastor Marc preached a sermon by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on being a...

Word and Witness
Pastor Marc reflected on how the Word isn't primarily about...

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Have you ever wondered what makes you, you? We all have different...