Redeemed: Stories of Transformation

As we enter this sacred season of Lent, we embark on a journey of transformation—a journey that invites us to embrace the beauty of redemption. Mary Oliver once wrote, “There are so many stories more beautiful than answers.” This Lent, our sermon series, Redeemed: Stories of Transformation, will guide us through the lives of those who encountered grace in profound ways—the prodigal son, the woman at the well, Saul, and the man freed from demons. In their stories, we will find echoes of our own: the ways God meets us in our brokenness, restores us in love, and calls us into new life. Each week, alongside the sermons, we will hear from West Side members as they share their own West Side Stories—personal testimonies of transformation. May this season be a time of deep reflection, renewal, and the unfolding of God’s grace in our lives.

A Journey Through the Wheel of Emotions

A Journey Through the Wheel of Emotions; Series Blurb: Join us on a transformative journey as we explore the rich tapestry of human emotions through the lens of Scripture. From the heights of joy to the depths of sorrow, from the warmth of love to the heat of anger, we'll delve into the complexities of our emotional landscape and discover how God meets us in every emotion. Through reflection, dialogue, and prayer, may we learn to embrace the full spectrum of our emotions with grace, courage, and faith, trusting in God's presence to guide us through every season of life. 

Encountering Jesus

Journey with us through Advent as we delve into Robert McIver's insightful book, "The Four Faces of Jesus." Each week, we'll explore a different facet of Jesus' character as depicted in one of the Gospels, while also lighting the corresponding Advent candle—hope, peace, joy, and love. This series offers fresh insights and perspectives on the significance of Christ's identity for our lives today. Through this journey, may we encounter Jesus anew and deepen our understanding of who he is and what he means to us.

The Generosity Journey

Join us for "The Generosity Journey," a sermon series dedicated to exploring the profound connection between our faith and our giving. Over four weeks, we will delve into the scriptures to understand how generosity shapes our discipleship, impacts our community, and transforms our hearts. From the blessings of Abram to the small but mighty gifts like the widow’s mite, we will see how every act of giving, big or small, can create ripples of change. Together, let's discover how we can grow in our giving, trust God more deeply, and make a meaningful difference in the world. 

Faith Unveiled: Embracing the Heart of Christianity

Embark on a transformative journey with our four-week sermon series, "Faith Unveiled: Embracing the Heart of Christianity." Drawing inspiration from Marcus Borg's insightful distinctions of faith—assensus, fiducia, fidelitas, and visio—each week invites you to delve deeper into the multifaceted dimensions of faith. From accepting truth and trusting in God to living faithfully and perceiving reality through a different lens, we explore the essence of Christianity's heart. Join us as we unravel the intricacies of faith, challenging doubt, worry, idolatry, and hostile perceptions. Through engaging scriptures and reflective sermons, discover a faith that goes beyond the surface, leading us to a profound connection with the divine and a renewed perspective on our journey of faith.

Acting Justly in an Unjust World

In this three-week sermon series we explore what it means to live justly in our too often unjust world. We will examine the heart of God for justice and compassion, the challenge of forgiveness in our pursuit of justice, and the pursuit of peace in our world. Through studying scripture and reflecting on our own lives, we will discover practical ways to be instruments of justice, forgiveness and peace in our communities.

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

During the season of Advent we will reflect on the hymn "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel" and the promise of God's presence with us through the birth of Christ. Through four weeks of sermons, we will explore the themes of hope, peace, love and joy, and how they are intertwined with Christ's incarnation. As we wait and prepare for Christ's coming, we will be reminded of God's faithfulness and steadfast love, and how Christ's birth is a symbol of hope and renewal for us and for the world.

Sharing Generously

In this sermon series we explore the biblical concept of generosity in all its forms, focusing on the importance of giving freely of our time, talent and treasure to those around us, and how it can bring us closer to God and to each other. We'll hear inspiring stories of sacrificial giving, the joy of generosity, and how sharing generously enables us to thrive and make a greater impact together than on our own.

Loving Inclusively in an Exclusive World

Join us as we explore how the early church faced challenges in breaking down barriers of exclusivity, prejudice and privilege. Through biblical stories and teachings, we'll examine how we can follow Jesus' example of radical hospitality and extend gracious love to all, regardless of our differences.

Start at the Beginning

This 12-week sermon series presents an overview of the major stories and themes in the first book of the Pentateuch, Genesis. It's the story of God creating and bringing order and function to the earth, the rebellion of humanity against the divine authority, and God's unfolding plan to restore creation and humankind to its original purposes through grace and faith. 

Earthy Christians

As Christians, we learn that God breathes life into earth and Jesus teaches us to be humble, which means to "live close to the earth." In his two-part sermon series, Pastor Marc explores our two-fold call to be Earthy Christians, people who are "lovers of the earth" and offer others "down to earth" love.

The Call to I Am

I am. Two of the most powerful words...for what you put after them shapes your reality.

During the season of Lent we will focus on five of the seven "I am" statements in the Gospel of John and explore not only what they tell us about Jesus (and God!), but also how we are called to live out the life of faith. For we are called to be light, bread and gate, as well as a shepherding and resurrection-witnessing presence in the world.
